Installation Management

DaVinci Installer helps with scheduling all installations, by displaying to the installer, the date , time and location , plus the items being installed on a mobile platform. Location and time can be tracked, as well as indication that the job has been completed and customer is satisfied.

Factory Automation

Opticut Machinery are all part of the Internet of Things, that is, they can all be remotely accessed if required. DaVinci Works during the material breakdown process produces the optimized required lists of parts to be processed and are then ready for the operator. Material is only processed as needed.

Business Intelligence

DaVinci Sales Cloud & DaVinci Works. Data from across your organization available at your finger tips. Capture and analyze big data for better decision making.

Inventory Control

DaVinci Works tracks all inventory required to run the manufacturing facility. Inventory is entered with minimum restocking levels , and an item is automatically presented to the purchasing department once the minimum level is reached.Purchase orders are generated and incoming inventory can be easily added by barcode reading or electronic lists. Inventory levels can be automatically reduced during the material breakdown process.

Sales Management

Door to Door application assists with Sales Management and insights. Manage Sales Calendars Control Pipelines, Track Performance and much more...

Automated Estimating & Order Entry

From the point of quoting to order, through the manufacturing process to warehousing, shipping and customer invoicing, DaVinci Works transforms your business into a precision operation. As well, the dealer network can use the system to add their own installation charges, track the installer with mobile capability to update sizes during re-checks, set appointments and track installer times and materials.

Operations Management

DaVinci Works presents the operations manager with a list of required items to be manufactured, and then the manager control the sorting , be it by truck route, required date, window type, order number etc. The selection of items then conveys the number of units to be manufactured by type, so that optimum batches can be selected. The system incorporates a daily calendar where orders by required date are presented, with total per day , and gives management a quick and easy way to move orders around to fit customer requests and manufacturing capacity. This presentation of orders and daily totals is also a great way to manage factory manpower.

Warehousing & Shipping

DaVinci Works allows for the scanning of items into warehouse locations for future prompt retrieval. That means you know exactly where each is for quick retrieval. The system allow you to scan items onto the track, and alerts if the wrong item is being loaded, and lets you know if items are missing from the order. A mobile app is available to both track the delivery truck, scan the items at the final destination and can easily take a picture of damaged products, and send an electronic request for replacement. The mobile app is perfect for seeing where the truck is at any time and confirm delivery of items.

Lead Generation

DaVinci Leader is a software management system for lead generation and resource scheduling and is part of the DaVinci 360 family. The system includes tasks to manage the telemarketing room for follow up calls as well as an appointment calendar for a complete solution. Big data is used. The process starts with a complete “phone book” like database of every address with name and contact numbers of the address. An accompanying mobile app is used to guide the “Door knocker” to the addresses being canvassed on the particular day, and the gathered information is instantaneously uploaded to the office. Things like level of interest, product of interest, possible dates to be contact or any customized information to be gathered is included in the information gathered. Changes in domicile ownership and /or contact information can also be gathered to update the database. The mobile app tracks the worker , and is used to ensure the route was walked, and the time spent on the route. This automates the hourly payment as well as keeping track of “generated leads”